September Updates!

Hello again, friends. 

Isn’t fall just the best time of year? The oppressive heat of summer recedes. People return to their well-worn rhythms, crack open new notebooks and gather bouquets of newly sharpened pencils. We loved September at the Dissident Project. Our third dissident class has come out of the gate particularly strong! Let’s get into the updates.

Speech Highlights!

Turning it over to the one and only Charlie Andrews for a recap of our favorite August speech moments: 

  • Daniel Chang Contreras did two presentations in one trip down to Alabama. First he presented to Alabama Cyber School of Engineering. Our host Jamie Reese said : "We had SUCH an incredible experience with Daniel. He did a phenomenal job with his story. Many students came to me expressing that he was one of the best guest speakers that we have had." Daniel's second speech was to a smaller group at a neighboring district at New Century Technology High School. We look forward to partnering with them again in the spring!

  • Our new Iranian Dissident, Shay Khatiri gave his first in person presentation at Mesa High School in Arizona. We visited them last year, and they brought a big group of 110 students out for Shay's presentation! Brian Walker commented: "Thanks for visiting Mesa High School today. The cadets learned a lot from your experience and gained an appreciation for the freedoms we take for granted in America."

  • Janna Blanter (another one of our new speakers!) did her first presentation in Durango Colorado, visiting two schools. The first was Mountain Middle School, where she spoke to 160 middle schoolers as well as a smaller class of economics students at the nearby Fort Lewis College. Nancy, our host, said: "We're so lucky to have Janna here to share her story!"

  • Last but not least, Gabriela Blanco traveled out to Odessa High School to share her story with a record breaking audience of 1300 students. This was her first event with the Dissident Project, and she excelled! So glad to have you on board Gabby - we cannot wait to see the great things you do! Read about the event more here, in a local Texas outlet. 

These were just a few of the highlights from this month, but it was jam-PACKED with awesome events. We ended up with nine bookings when all was said and done — a project best for the month of September. The year is off to a hot start, and we are thrilled. Stay tuned to hear how we take this momentum into October! It's shaping up to be just as exciting.

Gabriela Blanco in Independent Women’s Forum 

Over the past year, Project Director Grace Bydalek has profiled dissidents for the Independent Women’s Forum, focusing specifically on gender-based issues in the speakers’ home countries. Read an excerpt of Gabriela Blanco’s story, published in IWF’s Dare to Dissent drive this September.

Socialism Stole Her Childhood – Here’s How Gabriela Blanco is Countering Cuba’s Influence in the United States

When she shares her story with American high schoolers, Gabriela Blanco flashes a photo that shocks the conscience: hoards of Cuban children with confused and tear-stained faces, luggage in hand, arriving by plane in the United States. 

Blanco turns to the audience. “What would you do for love?” she asks.

Blanco knows the answer to her question firsthand, having witnessed the corrosion of her home country and fracturing of her own family under dictator Fidel Castro’s “socialist utopia.” 

Read the full article here

Bring a Speaker to Your School 

Do you know of teachers or organizations that would be interested in hosting a dissident? We’d be delighted to send speakers their way. Put us in contact by submitting a request through our booking form, or email Charlie directly at

See you in October (the best month, according to Anne of Green Gables) same place, same time. In the meantime, send us your address for your very own pencil bouquet. 

We value you!

– Grace


This Venezuelan Activist Has Spent Four Months In Captivity For Challenging Maduro’s Regime


Socialism Stole Her Childhood – Here’s How Gabriela Blanco is Countering Cuba’s Influence in the United States